Thursday 17 March 2016

PDF⋙ Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg

Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg

Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority)

Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A hands-on guide to the most pertinent and critical legal issues facing those who lead and manage tax-exempt colleges and universities

Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities is a practical, accessible guide to nonprofit law as it is specifically applicable to exempt colleges and universities, and their related entities, such as fundraising foundations, endowment funds, supporting organizations, for-profit subsidiaries, and limited liability companies.

  • Topics discussed will include governance, endowment funds management, the annual reporting requirements, and the unrelated business rules
  • Written by the country's leading authorities on tax-exempt organizations
  • Features essential, practical legal information in easy-to-understand English
  • Presented in question-and-answer format, divided according to major topic areas that are of interest to those who lead and manage tax-exempt colleges and universities

Designed for the management and leadership of colleges and universities, as well as others working in the higher education field, such as lawyers, accountants, and fundraising/development personnel, Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities allows readers to easily search for and find answers to questions, putting all the information they need right at their fingertips.

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Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg Doc

Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg Mobipocket
Nonprofit Law for Colleges and Universities: Essential Questions and Answers for Officers, Directors, and Advisors (Wiley Nonprofit Authority) by Bruce R. Hopkins, Virginia C. Gross, Thomas J. Schenkelberg EPub

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