Wednesday 31 December 2014

PDF⋙ Fundamentals Of Food Process Engineering (An AVI Book) by Romeo T. Toledo

Fundamentals Of Food Process Engineering (An AVI Book) by Romeo T. Toledo

Fundamentals Of Food Process Engineering (An AVI Book)

Fundamentals Of Food Process Engineering (An AVI Book) by Romeo T. Toledo PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ten years after the publication of the first edition of Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering, there have been significant changes in both food science education and the food industry itself. Students now in the food science curric­ ulum are generally better prepared mathematically than their counterparts two decades ago. The food science curriculum in most schools in the United States has split into science and business options, with students in the science option following the Institute of Food Technologists' minimum requirements. The minimum requirements include the food engineering course, thus students en­ rolled in food engineering are generally better than average, and can be chal­ lenged with more rigor in the course material. The food industry itself has changed. Traditionally, the food industry has been primarily involved in the canning and freezing of agricultural commodi­ ties, and a company's operations generally remain within a single commodity. Now, the industry is becoming more diversified, with many companies involved in operations involving more than one type of commodity. A number of for­ mulated food products are now made where the commodity connection becomes obscure. The ability to solve problems is a valued asset in a technologist, and often, solving problems involves nothing more than applying principles learned in other areas to the problem at hand. A principle that may have been commonly used with one commodity may also be applied to another commodity to produce unique products.

From reader reviews:

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Saturday 27 December 2014

PDF⋙ US Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact: Lessons from the Postville Raid by Camayd-Freixas

US Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact: Lessons from the Postville Raid by Camayd-Freixas

US Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact: Lessons from the Postville Raid

US Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact: Lessons from the Postville Raid by Camayd-Freixas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

An insider's account of the Postville case, this book gauges the raid's human, social, and economic impact, based on interaction with the main participants and interviews with local citizens and arrestees in the US and Guatemala.

From reader reviews:

Alan Durham:

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Cora Blanchette:

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Friday 26 December 2014

PDF⋙ Drafting an Employee Handbook: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep) by Mona Mehta Stone

Drafting an Employee Handbook: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep) by Mona Mehta Stone

Drafting an Employee Handbook: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep)

Drafting an Employee Handbook: What You Need to Know (Quick Prep) by Mona Mehta Stone PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Drafting an Employee Handbook is a user-friendly and practical guide to creating an employee handbook that will help prevent and defend against workplace disputes. Most businesses adopt a reactive approach to addressing employment policies, only worrying

From reader reviews:

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Wednesday 24 December 2014

PDF⋙ Remittances and Development (Latin American Development Forum) by Pablo Fajnzylber, J. Humberto Lopez

Remittances and Development (Latin American Development Forum) by Pablo Fajnzylber, J. Humberto Lopez

Remittances and Development (Latin American Development Forum)

Remittances and Development (Latin American Development Forum) by Pablo Fajnzylber, J. Humberto Lopez PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Workers' remittances have become a major source of financing for developing countries and are especially important in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is at the top of the ranking of remittance receiving regions in the world. While there has been a recent surge in analytical work on the topic, this book is motivated by the large heterogeneity in migration and remittance patterns across countries and regions, and by the fact that existing evidence for Latin America and the Caribbean is restricted to only a few countries, such as Mexico and El Salvador. Because the nature of the phenomenon varies across countries, its development impact and policy implications are also likely to differ in ways that are still largely unknown. This book helps fill the gap by exploring, in the specific context of Latin America and Caribbean countries, some of the main questions faced by policymakers when trying to respond to increasing remittances flows. The book relies on cross-country panel data and household surveys for 11 Latin American countries to explore the development impact of remittance flows along several dimensions: growth, poverty, inequality, schooling, health, labor supply, financial development, and real exchange rates.

From reader reviews:

Wesley Powell:

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Ruth Ford:

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Read Remittances and Development (Latin American Development Forum) by Pablo Fajnzylber, J. Humberto Lopez for online ebook

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PDF⋙ Traumatologie du rachis (French Edition) by Jean-Claude Dosch

Traumatologie du rachis (French Edition) by Jean-Claude Dosch

Traumatologie du rachis (French Edition)

Traumatologie du rachis (French Edition) by Jean-Claude Dosch PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Les lésions traumatiques du rachis, outre leur extrême diversité allant de la banale contusion osseuse par compression aux formes les plus complexes par cisaillement, suscitent invariablement un sentiment d’inquiétude, plus ou moins justifié par la crainte d’un handicap fonctionnel ou d’un déficit neurologique définitif.

Cette crainte est avant tout liée à la complexité du rachis. Constitué d’un savant mélange de matériaux, de maillons forts et faibles, de variantes anatomiques, d’unités fonctionnelles élémentaires, son architecture lui assure, dans des conditions normales, un triple rôle : stabilité, mobilité et protection de l’axe cérébro-spinal.
Cet ouvrage, richement illustré, comporte :

- un volet diagnostique, optimisant les outils - radiographie, scanner, IRM - mis à disposition des radiologues ;

- un versant consacré aux lésions traumatiques, à leur fréquence, leur particularité, leur pronostic selon la topographie, l’âge du patient et l’état du rachis. Un chapitre particulier aborde l’apport spécifique de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique.

Enfin, une ultime partie est consacrée aux bases thérapeutiques des lésions les plus couramment rencontrées, à savoir celles du rachis thoraco-lombaire.

Outil indispensable, cet ouvrage s’adresse aux radiologues, confirmés ou débutants, orthopédistes se destinant à la chirurgie du rachis. Il intéressera aussi les médecins urgentistes et rééducateurs.

From reader reviews:

Julie Nealy:

In this 21st millennium, people become competitive in every way. By being competitive now, people have do something to make these individuals survives, being in the middle of the particular crowded place and notice through surrounding. One thing that sometimes many people have underestimated the idea for a while is reading. Yep, by reading a e-book your ability to survive increase then having chance to remain than other is high. For you who want to start reading any book, we give you this kind of Traumatologie du rachis (French Edition) book as beginning and daily reading guide. Why, because this book is usually more than just a book.

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Sunday 21 December 2014

PDF⋙ Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function by Nigel Palastanga, Derek Field, Roger W. Soames

Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function by Nigel Palastanga, Derek Field, Roger W. Soames

Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function

Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function by Nigel Palastanga, Derek Field, Roger W. Soames PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function, Second Edition, is concerned with the musculoskeletal system and its application to human movement. The design of this new edition builds on the success of the first edition. There has been some reorganization of the text and illustrations for better clarity, as well as new sections on the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and urogenital systems, and on the eye and ear.
Apart from introductory sections (terminology; components of the musculoskeletal system; embryology; and skin, its appendages and special senses), the book has three sections dealing with the musculoskeletal system: the upper limb, the lower limb, and the head, neck and trunk. In addition there is a fourth section on the nervous system. Each musculoskeletal section is presented in a similar way beginning with a study of the bones, to provide the basic framework of the section. This is followed by a description of the muscles, which are considered in functional groups in an attempt to explain how movement is produced. Finally, the joints are described and discussed, building on the knowledge gained from a consideration of the bones and muscles: this last part of each section also serves to bring together the preceding parts.
This book was written for the student of anatomy who wishes to use this knowledge functionally and desires an understanding of the mechanisms enabling movement to take place.

From reader reviews:

Cynthia Johnson:

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Thursday 11 December 2014

PDF⋙ Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts by P. John Keane, Anthony F. Caletka

Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts by P. John Keane, Anthony F. Caletka

Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts

Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts by P. John Keane, Anthony F. Caletka PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The most significant unanticipated costs on many construction projects are the financial impacts associated with delay and disruption to the works. Assessing these, and establishing a causal link from each delay event to its effect, contractual liability and the damages experienced as a direct result of each event, can be difficult and complex.

This book is a practical guide to the process of delay analysis and includes an in-depth review of the primary methods of delay analysis, together with the assumptions that underlie the precise calculations required in any quantitative delay analysis. The techniques discussed can be used on projects of any size, under all forms of construction contract, both domestic and international.

The authors discuss not only delay analysis techniques, but also their appropriateness under given circumstances, demonstrating how combined approaches may be applied where necessary. They also consider problematic issues including ‘who owns the float’, concurrent delay, early completion programmes, and disruption. The book has been brought fully up to date, including references to the latest publications from the CIOB, AACEI and SCL, as well as current case law. Broad in scope, the book discusses the different delay analysis approaches likely to be encountered on national and international projects, and features practical worked examples and case studies demonstrating the techniques commonly used by experienced practitioners.

This is an invaluable resource to programmers and schedulers, delay analysts, contractors, architects, engineers and surveyors. It will also be of interest to clients’ professional advisors managing extension of time or delay claims, as well as construction lawyers who require a better understanding of the underlying assumptions on which many quantitative delay analyses are based.

Reviews of First Edition
"John Keane and Anthony Caletka are pukka analysts in that tricky area of delays, programming and extension of time. I highly recommend their book Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts. Buy the book." (Building Magazine, February 2009)

"The book′s stated purpose is to provide a practical guide for those interested in schedule delay analysis. It provides a good in–depth review of the most common delay analysis techniques.... An excellent book, full of practical tips for the reader and very timely in its publication. It is well worth the cost and a good read for anyone involved in schedule delay analysis." (Cost Engineering, February 2009)

It achieves in spades its stated aim of being a practical guide for contractors, contract administrators, programmers and delay analysts, as well as construction lawyers who require a better understanding of the underlying assumptions on which many quantitative delay analyses are based. (Construction Law Journal, 2009)

From reader reviews:

Michael Ogden:

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Sunday 7 December 2014

PDF⋙ Motivating Humans: Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs by Martin Eugene Ford

Motivating Humans: Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs by Martin Eugene Ford

Motivating Humans: Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs

Motivating Humans: Goals, Emotions, and Personal Agency Beliefs by Martin Eugene Ford PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This volume provides a precise and comprehensive description of human motivation. Drawing on psychology, education and management, Ford integrates classic and contemporary motivation theory into a unified framework - Motivational Systems Theory - from which he derives 17 principles for motivating people.

The book provides concrete examples throughout and includes a chapter on practical applications such as: promoting social responsibility in young people; increasing motivation for learning and school achievement; increasing work productivity and job satisfaction; and helping people lead emotionally healthy lives.

From reader reviews:

James Williamson:

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Carey Gilliam:

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Friday 5 December 2014

PDF⋙ Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz, Joanne Gordon

Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz, Joanne Gordon

Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul

Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz, Joanne Gordon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In this #1 New York Times bestseller, the CEO of Starbucks recounts the story and leadership lessons behind the global coffee company's comeback.

In 2008, Howard Schultz decided to return as the CEO of Starbucks to help restore its financial health and bring the company back to its core values. In Onward, he shares this remarkable story, revealing how, during one of the most tumultuous economic periods in American history, Starbucks again achieved profitability and sustainability without sacrificing humanity.

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PDF⋙ Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment (Oxford Library of Psychology) by James N. Butcher

Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment (Oxford Library of Psychology) by James N. Butcher

Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment (Oxford Library of Psychology)

Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment (Oxford Library of Psychology) by James N. Butcher PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Oxford Handbooks offer authoritative and up-to-date reviews of original research in a particular subject area. Specially commissioned chapters from leading figures in the discipline give critical examinations of the progress and direction of debates, as well as a foundation for future research. Oxford Handbooks provide scholars and graduate students with compelling new perspectives upon a wide range of subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences.
As one of psychology's oldest fields, personality assessment is one of the most extensively studied subsets of contemporary psychology. The Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment synthesizes new and existing literature with clinical practice to provide a comprehensive volume on contemporary personality assessment, including its historical developments, underlying methods, applications, contemporary issues, and assessment techniques. This handbook, part of the Oxford Library of Psychology, addresses both the historical roots of personality assessment and the evolution of its contemporary methodological tenets, thus providing a foundation for the handbook's other innovative focus: the application of personality assessment in clinical, personnel, and forensic assessments.

With a wealth of respected international contributors and unequalled breadth of content, the Oxford Handbook of Personality Assessment offers an authoritative and field-encompassing resource for researchers and clinicians from across the medical health and psychology disciplines (i.e., clinical psychology, psychiatry, and social work) and would be an ideal text for any graduate course on the topic of personality assessment.

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Wednesday 3 December 2014

PDF⋙ The Revolution in Science 1500 - 1750 by A.Rupert Hall

The Revolution in Science 1500 - 1750 by A.Rupert Hall

The Revolution in Science 1500 - 1750

The Revolution in Science 1500 - 1750 by A.Rupert Hall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

First published in 1983. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

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